North Pole
Poli Arctici et Circumiacentium Terrarum descriptio novissima.
Amsterdam, 1636
Stock#: 19301
excellent condition
early state
Septentrionalium Regionum Descrip.
Antwerp, 1570
Stock#: 19229
Arctic monsters of the seas and lands
Monstra marina & terrestria
Basle, 1550
Stock#: 19547
myths and legends
stunning original colour
Stock#: 18834
unobtainable 1649 third and final state
Middelburg, 1598
Stock#: 18912
the Dutch VOC ocean navigation book
Of utmost importance
Excellent condition
't Vergulde licht der zee-vaard, ofte konst der stuurlieden.
Amsterdam, 1660
Stock#: 19247
the Arctic - the North Pole
Attractive early colour
Wide margins
Septentrionalium Terrarum descriptio
Duisburg, 1595
Stock#: 18989
America and the Pacific
extremely rare early color
Lacking in all collections
Americae sive Novi Orbis, Nova descriptio
Basle, 1588
Stock#: 19211
Hudson Bay
exceptionally rare
original colour
Pascaarte vande Noorder Zeekusten van America
Amsterdam, 1666
Stock#: 18767
Vibrant original colour
Stock#: 19005
Northern Europe
stunning original color
Nieuwe Paskaard Inhoudende t'Noorder deel van Europa sijnde seer Dienstigh voor de Groenlandse en Moscovise Scheepvaard
Amsterdam, 1701
Stock#: 18859
the World
Eastern Hemisphere only
Nova et integra universi Orbis descriptio.
Antwerp?, 1603
Stock#: 19149