Lacking in every collection
Waere affbeeldinge Wegens het Casteel ende Stadt BATAVIA gelegen opt groot Eylant JAVA Anno 1681 F. de Wit Excudit
Amsterdam, 1681
Stock#: 19409
the World
Rare 1668 first state (of four)
Vibrant original colour
Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula ex officina F. de Wit. Amstelodami
Amsterdam, 1668
Stock#: 19581
Western Australia
Carte de la Terre D'Edels et d'Une Partie de Celle d'Endracht (a la Nouvelle Hollande)
Paris, 1812
Stock#: 19343
Baie des Chiens-Marins. Nid Gigantesque
Paris, 1825
Stock#: 19345
Asia and the Indian Ocean
early 1525 edition
pristine condition
Indiae Tabula Moderna
Strassburg, 1522
Stock#: 19030
South East Asia
India Orientalis
Stock#: 18828
mint condition
Tabu. Nova Orbis
Stock#: 19026
Pristine condition
Orbis Typus Universalis Iuxta Hydrographorum Traditionem
Stock#: 19105
Stock#: 19397
Discovering the sea route to the Indies
excellent condition
Tabula Moderna Primae partis Africae, Tabula Moderna Secundae partis Africae, Tabula III Aphricae
Stock#: 19076
Southeast Asia
Tabula Undecima (XI) Asiae
Stock#: 19041
Generale Ptho [lemaeus]
Stock#: 19052