the Red Sea, Arabia and Egypt
unobtainable first state!
Mare Rubrum
Middelburg, 1598
Stock#: 18852
Australia and South East Asia
Descriptio Hydrographica accomodata ad Battavorum navigatione in Javam insulam Indiae Orientalis
Frankfurt, 1599
Stock#: 19014
Central Africa
AETHIOPIA superior vel interior vulgo ABISSINORUM
Amsterdam, 1635
Stock#: 18254
South Africa
AETHIOPIA inferior vel exterior
Stock#: 18429
Angra/Terceira (Azores)
Angra op Tercera
Amsterdam, 1671
Stock#: 18811
Far East, Australia, Indian Ocean
Mint condition
Nieuwe Pascaert van Oost Indien
Amsterdam, 1680
Stock#: 19099
Kaart van het Eyland Mauritius
Amsterdam, 1726
Stock#: 18909
No Title [ "Mosambique" in the map ]
Amsterdam, 1753
Stock#: 17563
Saldanha Bay
Saldanha Baay
Amsterdam, 1775
Stock#: 18710
Asia and the Indian Ocean
first edition
predating the Münster 1540 map
Basle, 1538
Stock#: 18956
Africa / Libya / Morenland
Basle, 1540
Stock#: 18659
the Indian Ocean
legendary exploration print
of utmost rarity
[ Untitled ]
Antwerp, 1578
Stock#: 19010