Leen Helmink Antique Maps & Atlases


Janssonius - MAR del ZUR Hispanis Mare Pacificum

Certificate of Authentication

This is to certify that the item illustrated and described below is a genuine and
original antique map or print that was published on or near the given date.

Dr Leendert Helmink, Ph.D.

Antique map of the Pacific by Janssonius

Johannes Janssonius

First Published

Amsterdam, 1650

This edition

Amsterdam, Jansson Atlas Maior, 1664 or later


44 x 55 cms


Copper engraving

Stock number





Exceptionally rare and important second state of this seminal sea chart of the Pacific. The map has been updated to include the discoveries of Abel Tasman's voyages of 1642-43 and 1644.

This edition not noted by Koeman or van der Krogt.

We have only seen two examples in the market over the years.

The chart is of seminal importance for the mapping of the fifth continent, and the kind of item that no collection has.


Several paper reinstatements, mainly in the Pacific Ocean, notably off the coast of South America and around Tasmania.

The rare second state of Jansson's map of the Pacific

A very scarce edition showing Tasman's discoveries also exists and acccording to Philip Burden shows the confusion regarding the Kuriles north of Japan, by Maerten Gerritsz Vries. This second state is known to be bound into an atlas by Abraham Wolfgang (c.1688) in the Library of Congress.

Philip Burden in The Mapping of North America first noted this second state of Jansson's map. Several changes have now been made to the plate, especially in respect to Tasman's exploits in Australia. Now charted are his 1642-43 first voyage discoveries in Tasmania and New Zealand as well as the 1644 discoveries in northern Australia. Jansson now also shows the discoveries in Arnhem Land made by van Colster in 1623 and the discoveries made north of Japan in the Kuriles, by Maerten Gerritsz Vries in 1643.

(Simon Dewez)

Johannes Janssonius (1588-1664)

Johannes Janssonius, more commonly known to us as Jan Jansson, was born in Arnhem where his father was a bookseller and publisher (Jan Janszoon the Elder). In 1612 he married the daughter of the cartographer and publisher Jodocus Hondius, and then set up in business in Amsterdam as a book publisher. In 1616 he published his first maps of France and Italy and from then onwards he produced a very large number of maps, perhaps not quite rivalling those of the Blaeu family but running a very close second in quantity and quality. From about 1630 to 1638 he was in partnership with his brother-in-law, Henricus Hondius, issuing further editions of the Mercator/Hondius atlases to which his name was added. On the death of Henricus he took over the business, expanding the atlas still further, until eventually he published an 11-volume "Atlas Major" on a scale similar to Blaeu's "Atlas Maior".

The first full edition of Jansson’s English County Maps was published in 1646 but some years earlier he issued a number of British maps in the Mercator/Hondius/ Jansson series of atlases (1636–44); the maps were printed from newly engraved plates and are different from the later 1646 issue and are now rarely seen. In general appearance Jansson’s maps are very similar to those of Blaeu and, in fact, were often copied from them, but they tend to be more flamboyant and, some think, more decorative.

After Jansson's death his heirs published a number of maps in an "Atlas Contractus" in 1666 and later still many of the plates of his British maps were acquired by Pieter Schenk and Gerard Valck, who published them again in 1683 as separate maps.

(Moreland and Bannister)