Far East, Australia, Indian Ocean
first edition first state
Nieuwe Pascaert van Oost Indien
Amsterdam, 1680
Stock#: 18695
the World
the only wall map with explorer's tracks
in pristine condition and colour
Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula Auct. F. de Wit
Stock#: 18919
the World and the continents
Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula ex officina G. a Schagen Amstelodami
Amsterdam, 1682
Stock#: 19009
Fort Zeelandia
Hamburg, 1696
Stock#: 18923
seminal map for Australia
with Tasman's track
Kaart der Reyse van Abel Tasman volgens syn eygen opstel.
Amsterdam, 1726
Stock#: 18688
the Indian Ocean, South East Asia and Australia
Tabula Indiae Orientalis et Regnorum Adjacentium
Stock#: 18755
Batavia Road and City
First English edition
Very rare
Plan of the Road and City of Batavia, on the North Coast of Java Island.
Amsterdam, 1728
Stock#: 18964
Insulae Iavae Pars Occidentalis [&] Insulae Iavae Pars Orientalis
Stock#: 18925
Amoy and Quemoy
exceptionally rare
strong original colour
Het Inkomen van de Haven van Aimoey Van Rio Chinchew af tot de ERASMUS Baay onder QUEMOEY
Amsterdam, 1753
Stock#: 18962
Penghu Islands
De Eylanden van Pehou, met alle derselver gelegentheeden, sanden, klippen, dieptens en ankergronden, nauwkeurig geteekent
Stock#: 18963
Red Sea, Yemen
rare original colour
Caarte van het inkomen van de Roode Zee
Stock#: 18765
the Maldives
Paskaart van de Maldivische Eylanden
Stock#: 18961