Nouvelle Hollande: Nouvelle Galle du Sud (Sydney Cove) Vue d’une Partie de la Ville de SYDNEY capitale des Colonies Anglaises aux Terres Australes, et de l’entrée du PORT JACKSON dans lequel cette Ville est située.
Paris, 1807
Stock#: 19519
Lacking in all collections
Indigeni di Nuova Olanda [Natives of New Holland]. Selvaggio che costruisce corbe [Savage making baskets].
Venice, 1841
Stock#: 19521
Neuhollaender von Port Jackson Habitans de la Nouvelle Hollande Port Jackson
Nuremberg, 1845
Stock#: 19523
Vue de Sydney et de l'entree de la riviere de Paramatta
Paris, 1841
Stock#: 19525
Ansicht von Sydney von der Südseite, und der Mündung des Parramatta-Flusses
Weimar, 1808
Stock#: 19527
Gold fields
Oil on wood
One of a kind
[ Gold diggers hut in the Australian gold fields ]
Australia, 1851
Stock#: 19509
Arctic monsters of the seas and lands
Monstra marina & terrestria
Basle, 1550
Stock#: 19547
Manila [Untitled]
Leiden, 1619
Stock#: 19551
the invention of polished armory
iconic print
exceptionally rare
Politura Armorum
Antwerp, 1588
Stock#: 19554
the invention of sugar refinery
Fourth state
Stock#: 19679
the invention of gunpowder
Pulvis Pyrius
Stock#: 19555
title strip for wall map of the World
Unrecorded large sheet
Classic iconography of Asia and Europe
Nova Totius Orbis Tabula
Amsterdam, 1707
Stock#: 19535