Far East, Australia, Indian Ocean
first edition first state
Nieuwe Pascaert van Oost Indien
Amsterdam, 1680
Stock#: 18695
seminal map for Australia
with Tasman's track
Kaart der Reyse van Abel Tasman volgens syn eygen opstel.
Amsterdam, 1726
Stock#: 18688
the Indian Ocean, South East Asia and Australia
Tabula Indiae Orientalis et Regnorum Adjacentium
Stock#: 18755
Batavia Road and City
First English edition
Very rare
Plan of the Road and City of Batavia, on the North Coast of Java Island.
Amsterdam, 1728
Stock#: 18964
Insulae Iavae Pars Occidentalis [&] Insulae Iavae Pars Orientalis
Stock#: 18925
VOC East Indiaman Slot ter Hooghe
Master drawing
One of a kind
[ Untitled ]
Vlissingen, 1776
Stock#: 19024
the Pacific
Pars Globi terrestris Ao. 1492 a Martino Behaim Equite Lusitano Norimbergae confecti Delineavit Christoph.
Gotha, 1778
Stock#: 18708
with Cook's discoveries
LA NUOVA OLANDA E LA NUOVA GUINEA Delineate Sulle Ultime Osservazioni, ROMA. Presso la Calcografia Camerale 1798.
Rome, 1798
Stock#: 19008