Far East, Australia, Indian Ocean
Mint condition
Nieuwe Pascaert van Oost Indien
Amsterdam, 1680
Stock#: 19099
Eastern Hemisphere
extremely rare
Route maritime de Brest à Siam, et de Siam à Brest, faite en 1685 et 1686 selon les remarques des six Peres Jesuites, envoiez par le Roy de France en qualité de ses mathematiciens dans les Indes, et la Chine.
Paris, 1687
Stock#: 19193
Stock#: 19189
the World
Unrecorded wall map of the world
Eastern hemisphere only
No title [Nova Totius Orbis Tabula]
Amsterdam, 1707
Stock#: 19169
the Indian Ocean, South East Asia and Australia
Tabula Indiae Orientalis et Regnorum Adjacentium
Amsterdam, 1726
Stock#: 18755
VOC navigation chart of the Indian Ocean
Lacking in all collections
Caart van D'INDISCHE ZEE van Cabo de goede Hoop tot Canton
Amsterdam, 1753
Stock#: 19233
Red Sea, Yemen
rare original colour
Caarte van het inkomen van de Roode Zee
Stock#: 18765
STEEL'S new and correct outline chart: Intended for the use of the officers in the HONORABLE EAST INDIA COMPANY SERVICE, to prick off a ship's track: To whom it is most respectfully Dedicated, by their most Obedient Humble Servant, P. STEEL.
London, 1809
Stock#: 19637
facsimile wall maps of 1507 and 1516
exceptionally rare
Die Älteste Karte mit dem Namen Amerika aus dem Jahre 1507 und die Karta Marina aus dem Jahre 1516
Innsbruck, 1903
Stock#: 19060